Ever since first trying Sunrider® products many years ago, I have loved them all. Trying to explain the products to you if you have not tried them, would be kind of like trying explain to someone how good it feels after a nice hike or gym work out who has not gone.
You simply have to try Sunrider® products, to experience the great effect it has on your body afterwards. I’ll try to textualize a few ideas about some specific products I love, to share with you just a few of my favorites, here below;
Fortune Delight®: I have never had such a tea that cleanses the system through liquid, better than coffee, and without the jitters. It is simply a great tea.
Sunrider VitaFruit®: It is like nothing I have ever tasted, and truly one of my favorite drinks.
Evergreen®: This drink is also one of my favorites, and absolutely amazing. I love it by itself, and mixed in a glass of water with some SunnyDew®.
SunnyDew®: If your blood sugar is a bit low, you can take a few drops of this and feel better, and it has such a great sweet taste, and so much better than sugar, which I never use.
SunSmile®: The herbal toothpaste is so great. I’ll admit I have bought mainstream brand toothpastes from the dollar store before. Using them is really terrible, because the poison in those brands are just horrible. If you have ever accidentally swallowed one of those brands before, your stomach would feel like it was on fire. If you ate too much, it could kill you. Who wants to have something like that in their body? I sure don’t. Sunrider® toothpaste isn’t poison, and it works good.
Kandesn® deodorant: Most deodorants are poison and don’t work. Sunrider® deodorant smells so good! And it works, and it’s healthy. The texture of it is amazing, and unlike any I have ever seen, it’s great.
SunTrim® Shake: The first time I had this product, I mixed it with 2 scoops of the SunFit® Protein Plus. After less than a half a glass of it, I was full for the entire day. I was shocked, because I’m generally vegan, and used to get majorly hungry every few hours. Not any more! I was so stunned, I went around for weeks talking about this product but was really irritated that it was not out on the market yet, and our samples ran out. Finally–it’s out! I now take the same combo of this daily. I like the SunTrim® Shake mixed with SunFit® Protein Plus, and also a little fresh fruit such as strawberries or banana, and that is basically my breakfast and sometimes even serves as my lunch too–when I don’t do a heavy workout. I was up to 160 pounds before I started using this regularly, and in less than 30 days, I lost 10 pounds, and reduced my body mass (fat) index.***
SunTrim® Shake is absolutely amazing and one of the best drinks ever to lose weight or not be too hungry. You have to try it, if you want to lose weight, or build more muscle definition–or, just cut down on your grocery bill! It has no adverse effects, except when my stomach does make hunger noises now if it ever does, it doesn’t hurt or bother me like it used to. I’m no longer a victim over my diet, I am now in control over it, and that’s incredible.
Dr. Chen® Hand & Body Lotion: I used to never use lotion, but got this as a gift, and I absolutely love it. It smells as great as an expensive cologne I used to wear years ago, except without any bad chemicals, and is good for the skin.
There is not one Sunrider® product that I have tried or used that I didn’t like. These are truly superior, great products that anyone with any good taste, and intelligence will love.
–Bruce Edwin
Visit the link below to order Sunrider® through me, and even sign up to have your own business with Sunrider®, with free personal coaching by Bruce Edwin and / or his team. You may also call and leave your number for more information at 310-226-7176 or contact Bruce through the contact form on this site.
Visit: https://ibo.sunrider.com/site/bruceedwin/testimonial