In our modern age of instant and non-stop news, political mayhem, and social divide, living day to day for many, can be a challenge. Hundreds of millions throughout the world are addicted to news, most of which they prefer that simply aims to reinforce their political beliefs. No matter how extreme those views are; one can find newscasters, preachers, supporters and groups to belong to that match their convictions.
It feels “good” to think we are morally right. It feels even better to know we are right. And it feels perhaps best yet to share our belief in our “rightness” with others, who agree with our views. It also feels good to many, to attempt to practice what one considers moral and intellectual superiority over another.
Why not “preach to the converted,” when those who think and feel like we do, offer a safe space for our feelings, will not invalidate our viewpoints, and will not challenge our beliefs?
The ego, which drives the mind of many a human, is a fragile, tender thing. It needs fed, it needs fueled, and–dare it be called in to question; it needs entertained.
And thus, the safely of “challenging” our ego by stepping outside of our little boxes of those with whom agree with us, is safely fed, by the conspicuous, yet covertly “anonymous” game of social media.
The “flame wars” of the 2000’s internet junkies, have been replaced by the “trolls” and “haters,” who–like any parasite, feed on their host until they can suck their life force no more, and then move on to the next victim.
“ANYONE can be a JERK. It takes GREATNESS to be KIND.”
In an age when American politics have lost the common decency of a social veneer of politeness and feigned respect, and denigrated into a fowl gutter of moral turpitude and hate filled morass, the true face of American government has at once, been un-masked.
And yet, while the insatiable ego’s of presidents, politicians, newscasters, and private citizens tirelessly yearn for more chances to feel “right” and make others wrong, the reality is; such an existence is as tiring, as it is unmistakably devoid of real worth.
Simply put, it’s not fun to be angry. And the person always seeking to make themselves right be making the other side wrong, will inevitably run into anger; that dwindling fire of modern politics.
Anger kills. If not quickly and overtly; by violence and death, then slowly and covertly; by stress and disease. There is nothing good about being angry, and certainly not on a prolonged basis. And yet such is the state that American news and political hegemony wants you in.
I encourage you today, to pretend like nothing matters but your well-being, your happiness, your peace of mind, and your relaxed state of existence. Pretend for a day, that everything is fine, that the Sun will keep shining, that your life will keep on living, and that you will find a new reason to smile. Skip the news for a day, and listen to nothing upsetting from anyone for a full day. Fill your mind and your day with things that make you happy, that improve the world, and that make you feel good, without making others wrong.
Pretend for a day that happiness and peace is something you deserve for one day. And if you mess up, don’t be mad at yourself. Start over again tomorrow. Try this for a day, and I’ll bet you, you will be tempted to try it again– and again, and again. And do you know what? That would not be such a horrible thing, if you had a long row of happy days, now would it? For this is our birthright.
We were not made to suffer, and we were not designed to make others suffer either. We are meant to be happy.
Try it now, and spread the love. –Peace.
© 2018, Bruce Edwin, Hollywood Sentinel
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