We wish you and your loved ones a happy and great new year in 2023. 2022 was thankfully back to normal and relatively harmless for most of us, compared to 2021 and 2020. This year promises to bring similar good fortune for most, for those who act with intelligence, and good character.

Lasse Olsson / Pressens bild. Source: wikicommons.
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I just watched a popular online news website of their year in review video of 2022. It was powerful, but also flawed. Why? Most mainstream news only considers anything “news” if it involves a tragedy or death.
The main definition of “news” is defined as a report of something to someone that they didn’t already know. News can be good, or bad. In most cases however, most media only report the bad news. Even the phrase “break the news” to someone suggests that “news” in general is a bad thing. But it’s not. News is just a report of life, and life is for most of us, not all bad. In fact, most of it is not bad. Most of it is good.
Think about this; there are 525,600 minutes you have to live in each year. You have 31,536,000 seconds to live and experience in a year. Are the majority of your minutes and seconds bad news? No, of course not! And now consider this; there are reportedly now around 8 billion people on planet earth! My calculators won’t even fit 8 billion (people) multiplied by 31,536,000 (seconds) or even 525,600 (minutes) on the display, and instead lists out the exponent formula. But I assure you, it’s a massively large number! My point is, Of all the people on earth, and of all the minutes and seconds in a year, do you really think that the majority of that combined time is all horror and tragedy? No, it’s not! The majority of time spent on earth is a blessing. NOT a curse as mainstream “news” would have you believe.
Yet when we watch a 5, 7, or 10 minute or so clip of hundreds of images from hundreds of events edited together with well shot footage, in a professional manner, it has an impact on us. “What a terrible year!” One commenter said of this 2022 year in review video. “It looks like the end of the world!” Another commenter suggested.
In reality, a talented filmmaker and editor could portray ANY life and ANY year as total horror and calamity. Sure, bad things exist. That is a fact. But it’s not the majority of our life. People aren’t all that stupid. If life had no hope or happiness in it, we wouldn’t all fight for another day and a better future, would we? We would have all given up long ago.
Certainly, some have given up on life. You can see that in many of the homeless on the streets. But the reality is, most of us have not. Most of us know tomorrow can be better than today. Most of us know that while we all do wrong, most people are basically good and have a core sense of what is right and wrong. The fact that we drive down the road with oncoming traffic in the lane opposite to us proves that! We trust and know that people will usually stay in their own lane. We all want to live. And we all have happy memories and moments. We all want a better future.
So when you read or look at the news this year, or look back at 2022, or this year of 2023 when its over, remember about all those minutes and seconds that the cameras, newspapers, and websites didn’t capture. Remember all the times you laughed and smiled that you didn’t document, and realize that there are people all around the world enjoying life just like you. Sure there are major problems, natural disasters, wars, and more. But the point is, life is not usually all that bad for most of us.
The enemies of humanity want us to feel defeated and hopeless, so they can try sell us the cure in the form of a fake, damaging product or philosophy that is actually worse than the problem itself.
But we know better. You know better. So continue to stay strong in 2023. Remember those 31,536,000 seconds. Remember those 8 billion people. Remember how most “news” is simply man-made propaganda, not really a clear, balanced reflection of life. Trust your instincts, and trust the one who created you created all of life and creates miracles every day. Stand up for what you believe in. Stand up for freedom and what is true. Life itself is a miracle, and every day is worth giving thanks for and celebrating. Not just once a year!
The Hollywood Sentinel reports ONLY the good news, and comes to you each month free with exclusive interviews with the stars, backstage reports from Hollywood, How to Succeed in Hollywood, and more, with at times weekly and even daily breaking news. Explore the new issue here, and all of our back issues with the table of contents tabs. Let us know what you think of our issues, and what you want to hear and see in the future! We hope you enjoy it!
–Bruce Edwin