What does success mean to you? And when you feel someone does you wrong, how do you deal with that? Many people out there–especially in our industry of Hollywood, scoff at that line above of “Success is the best revenge.” To many, “Revenge is the best Revenge.” But is it?
Imagine you are walking down the sidewalk, and accidently bump into someone, and they drop their phone. Would you grip your phone tightly, expecting them to jump up to their feet, and bump in to you, purposefully knocking your phone out of your hand? Or would you pick it up and hand it to them, and quickly apologize? Obviously, you would apologize and be courteous, because you know it’s the right thing to do, and it’s how you would want treated.
The line of “Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you,” otherwise known as “The Golden Rule,” has some serious truth to it. The law of reciprocity says that when you treat another person kindly, they are inclined to act back in a kind way. Not that good sense is necessarily common, but if it were, this would be it. Likewise, the reverse is true. If you speak to someone with rudeness or anger, they will most likely respond back in a similar manner.
Allowing for the fact that we are not perfect–we all make mistakes, and sometimes accidentally hurt people that we didn’t mean to; especially the ones we deal with the most and love the most, doesn’t it make sense that if we want to be forgiven, and not have every accidental slight we cause another held against us with retaliatory action, that we should forgive others first?
While the philosophy of “Might is Right” and “An Eye for an Eye” may appear “tough” and “cool” to some, it is– we are seeing more and more in this new age–this is NOT how the world works. Karma is REAL. The liars, cheats, crooks, cons, and murderers generally always go down, and down hard.
No one respects the “screw me over and I will screw you ten times harder” politician or punk on the street. The only one that perhaps likes them, are other similar jerks, and–they are the first one’s to be surprised when their devilish friend or hero screws THEM over. What?! A person who embraces evil did ME wrong?! I thought it was only for THEM! Duh.
Befriend a snake, and don’t be surprised when your slithery friend acts like one.
If I had a list of every person who did me wrong; looked at me the wrong way, spoke rudely to me, didn’t bag my groceries correctly, hurt my feelings, lied to me, wasted my time, flaked, cheated, gossiped, libeled, attacked, or more, it would make up quite a large notebook full of many pages. And sure, I could try go after each and every one–attacking back, and getting even. But who would it serve? For one, it would take up years of my time, and by the time I was finally done getting even, I’d have yet another new notebook full of enemies to try get back or destroy.
Mean people want you to think, obsess, and worry about them. The more you focus on the jerks of the world, the less you are focused on your goal.
Hate, plotting revenge, and getting angry will literally make you sick. Stress causes disease; a slow death that still yet surely kills. The perfect weapon your enemy would love is; knowing you are talking about them, thinking about them, worrying about them, and stressing about them all night, without sleep.
When you feel hurt or angry, repeat these mantras:
Revenge is not worth my time.
Revenge is not worth my health.
I deserve to be at peace.
I deserve to feel good and be happy.
While the path of revenge promises you power, in actuality, it weakens you, distracts you from your goals, and pulls you into an endless battle of fighting the enemy more, and yet more endless rows of new enemies.
Even the most crazy and wicked of politicians generally try to avoid war. They generally know and care about the reality, that what we reap, we sow.
By no means am I sitting here professing to be an angel, and saying that I always immediately forgive everyone. I don’t. But I eventually try. And the times I lived my life with forgiveness, grace, and a positive outlook, were vastly more happy, lucrative, and successful than those earlier years that I focused on anger, hatred, and pessimism.
Now, the more you try to live a life of peace, grace, and forgiveness of yourself and others, oftentimes, the more you may be attacked. Attacked not only by others who see you as a soft, easy target who will not fight back, but also attacked by certain spiritual forces that prey on those seeking to create a heaven on Earth–rather than a hell.
The solution on the physical plane is to resist the urge to fight, focus on the good, and keep moving forward. With that said, don’t allow yourself to be a victim. By all means, defend yourself, your loved ones, your community, and your business when you have to.
The solution on the spiritual plane, is to remember that words–which effect our unconscious mind, have power. For this reason alone, the art of prayer is a real, and a workable tool, as you speak out loud that which you want to change and manifest, through the help of the creator. If you don’t believe this and all worlds were created by anything other than a random accident, then you can at least speak your intentions out loud. Focus on the good, cleanse your energy with a nice bath or shower, or walk outside in nature, and write down the WAY you want your life to be, in the present tense.
If the devil ‘is’ real, he’s probably a politician, but you DON’T have to vote for him.
Vote for Peace, and peace of mind instead. Love, Laugh, and Follow the Light, Your Happiness and Success will surely follow.
We hope you enjoy the new issue. As always, contact us through this site or at 310-226-7176 if you have any questions or comments. We might even publish your words in our next issue, for the world to see.
About the image: One of the most famous television sitcom’s in American history, on August 6, Fathom Events and CBS Home Entertainment paid tribute to “I Love Lucy” and its legendary star Lucille Ball with “I Love Lucy: A Colorized Celebration” that screened in movie theaters nationwide for one night only on the comedienne’s birthday.
–Bruce Edwin
This content is (c) 2019, Bruce Edwin, Hollywood Sentinel, all rights reserved.