If you live in Los Angeles, there are multiple different realities here that are shared in this great city.
One reality is that in which children and otherwise healthy grown adults and teenagers may walk around in face masks, far away from any other human being in the sunny outdoors, or by themselves in their car with their windows rolled up. They may often appear as if they are in a daze, and may appear startled and horrified at the sight of another human being without a mask on, glaring with shock and anger. This is insanity.

Another reality is where some handicapped persons, black men, and black women among others are getting turned away from entering into movie theatres, museums, concert venues, or dining establishments because they are not “vaccinated,” despite them having a potentially very valid religious reason or even medical exception from their own doctor for not getting the experimental shot. This is not only insanity, this is unconstitutional, blatant discrimination, and despicable acts of despotism under the guise of so-called public health. These policies–meted out by politicians who are in fact, little more than more tyrants, are neither sane, nor fair. Factually, they are anti-science, anti-reason, and anti-humane.
People who even have natural immunity, are being fired from their jobs in California and that other crazed state of New York, for not taking the experimental vaccination which was created for emergency use authorization. As such, no long term studies have been able to be conducted as to the vaccines safety long term. Furthermore, according to many doctors and even the country of Sweden, the emergency is OVER.
Yet these crazed political tyrants cling on to their false lines, still yet pathetically using their propaganda sound bytes against a largely brainwashed population.
And yet another reality here in L.A. is that other half or so segment of society in this great city where the people are not brainwashed. Where they never were, or where they finally woke up the reality of being lied to so much and for so long, that they finally got the picture that the pandemic actually WAS a plan-demic. And while the virus was and is very real, it NEVER should have made to be cause for the shutting down of the entire world or any city for ANY length of time.
And so as much of the world emerges from the fog of propaganda, here in L.A., that bastion of creativity is also the bastion of idiocy, where the masked men and masked women march dutifully in their mindlessness to the drum of any tune their idiot tyrants command them to obey.
As for us, we have always stood defiantly against any whim or wind of tyranny, no matter how great or small. Such is the necessity of any true individual. For without the individual, there IS no society. And without freedom, humankind might as well be as good as dead.
–With Liberty