By Bruce Edwin
This life we have been given is truly amazing. We create what we want. If you want to fly across the world, you can make some money, buy a plane ticket, and do it. You can even make a whole lot of money, and buy your own plane if you really want to. If you want to write a book, make a song, dance, or paint a picture, you can do that.
If you want to fall in love, you can be loving, meet someone, and fall in love. You can make money, buy a house, and live your dream. The only thing stopping you is you. If you feel stopped, look at what you tell yourself and what others tell you. Validate your self work, and do not tolerate others who do not tolerate you or your dreams. Dream bigger every day.
The Art of Success–is truly then, the manner of correct thinking. All success begins with action, and all action starts with thought. If your thinking is off, your action will be either non-existent, or worse–incorrect action. The first key to success therefore, is knowledge. A very simplistic outline of success could look as follows;
- Determine what you do NOT want. Knowing what you want, entails knowing what you do not want. Be sure to know what you do not want, so you can avoid the unwanted from happening.
- Determine what you DO want. Determine your Top Most Goals and Dreams. Write them down.
- Write down the steps necessary to reach each goal, including your top goal. Find out what is required to make each step happen. Prioritize your goals in terms of long term, mid term, and short term. Looks at your goals regularly; when you wake up, during the day, and before you go to sleep, if not more.
- Educate yourself. Read and study what you need to learn and know to make each step happen. If for example, you want to be a top actor, read about the top actors and how they made it to the top. Find and locate the best acting coach, and study acting.
- After your education and training is great, then take action. Do the steps necessary to achieve your goals.
- Realize that education, study, and learning should be a life long goal, and that you should never stop studying, training, and learning, to become and stay the best you can be.
- Be certain that your environment is free from distractions, including people who may invalidate your goals and plans.
- Get a mentor to help guide and coach you. Remember that the top Olympic athletes have coaches, and even the President of the United States has advisors to give him advice on what to do in different areas of their specialized knowledge. The wise seek the counsel of others, not try to do everything themselves. Leverage others. And never be afraid to ask questions to get more information if you do not know something.
- After you have achieved your goals, find a way to help others along the way. Mentor someone else in turn for example, or donate some time to a charity or other worthy cause.
- Always focus on what you do want, not on what you do not want. Be optimistic. Not unrealistic–but optimistic. Negative attitudes and pessimism kills. Surround yourself with those who are more successful than you. We tend to gravitate to the level of those around us.
- Be of service to others, and give back.
- Be thankful. Show thanks have gratitude for all you have. We are blessed.
I wish you great success! Questions or comments may be addressed to me through the contact form on this site.