Facing Reality
Before the Nazis started rounding up Jews and sending them to the gas chambers, they had the local police in Germany and Poland go around collecting guns and knives from all Jewish households. Today, a new branch of government you probably have never heard of, has suggested that all Americans forcibly be ‘tested’ for depression. That fact should greatly alarm ‘every’ freedom loving American on the planet. Let me repeat that fact:
An Advisory Panel of the U.S. Government Wants to Force Every American to Have a Psychiatric Evaluation
That my friends, ‘is’ insanity, and the clear definition of the attempted creation of a psychiatric, totalitarian, police state. This should also be ‘headline’ news, and should be discussed by every major news outlet in America on a daily basis until the idea is stopped dead in its tracks for the fascist idea that it is, but unfortunately, it is largely not even a matter of public knowledge!
With the exception perhaps of, USA Today, which disturbingly reported the news in a favorable light, linking to a 10 question ‘depression survey,’ that ends by asking for the participants personal information, so they can be contacted by a psychiatrist, most mainstream media has not even properly covered this, save for those serving as a free mouthpiece to promote this disturbing plan. The early version of this creeping agenda, to attempt to forcibly screen every pregnant woman, was reported widely, including by The New York Times, which again, was favorable to the plan. This agenda is not a conspiracy theory, it is a fact, which you can research yourself.
Whether you believe in the use of psychiatry and psychiatric drugs or not, whether you like the music of the artist below, or the links to the persons or groups herein detailed or not, you must surely agree, as a freedom loving human being, that to attempt to ‘force’ any one to have a so called ‘depression screening’ is a tyrannical act, and has no place in a free society. We are not even talking about the individual who exhibits signs of insanity, such as one who is endangering the lives of the public, that they want to test. But rather, they want this new governmental mandate to be forced upon ‘all’ Americans. First, they began the forced introduction of toxic Genetically Modified Organisms they don’t want you to know about, and now, they are attempting to initiate forced psychiatric ‘tests’ which is the first step to forced psychiatric institutionalization, and forced psychiatric drugging among more.
Becoming Aware of the Threat is the First Step to Stopping Abuse
Friends, it has been said that those that do not speak up and fight for their freedom when they see it being taken away, do not deserve it. I am by no means suggesting that ‘you’ do not deserve your freedom. On the contrary, I suggest that you do. And so, we ask you to read on about one brave artist who is doing something about this trend, and how you can too. So the good news is, we are aware, we are here, and we are standing up for our rights and the rights of all. Read on, visit the links, read the rest of this site, check back here often, contact us with ‘comments’ that we may choose to possibly publish via the ‘contact’ button at the left of this page, and share this article and site with everyone you know and everyone you are in contact with. Being aware of a threat is the first step to stopping abuse. Enjoy the new issue.
Chill E.B. Rocks the World with Message of Truth–An Exclusive Interview
–By Bruce Edwin
To those who say that music is unimportant to life, let them try live without out it. Music touches the soul. It is the heart of a nation, a city, a scene, or an individual. Nations have ‘National Anthems’ that lift up countries in efforts at patriotism. The most important landmarks of life or the remembrance of life are commemorated with music at marriages, funerals, peace marches and victory parades. Music can bridge colors, races, creeds and lands. It can lift up the soul and bring happiness like few art forms can. Music is the heart of worship among countless religions, the bond that binds groups in unity, victory, and love. Music is not merely important to life, music ‘is’ life, and without it, life itself would be near meaningless; a mute player, yearning to sing, stumbling through a silent land of light and shadows.
The Power of Rap
One of music’s greatest powers is the power of change through the message of ‘the word.’ The musical genre known as rap gave rise to its greatest stars when its artists were the bravest, speaking out against racism, poverty, discrimination, police brutality, slavery, and more. Of the small handful of rap pioneers that escaped the underpinnings of drugs, gang violence, and misogyny in their lyrics or life, perhaps only three such acts remain; Public Enemy, M.I.A., and Chill E.B.
Dropping on the world a myriad of powerful new singles with a unified message, Chill E.B. infuses politics, social commentary, and human rights into his message to help galvanize a new generation to seek better education, take direct action, and institute positive change regarding one predominant culprit that he has chosen to bravely take on; The #1 Killer in the United States, according the The Los Angeles Times; The major pharmaceutical companies, otherwise known as ‘Big Pharma,’ and within them, the psychiatric industry, and these two institutions widespread and historic abuses of life, health, and human rights.
Human Rights Activist
Trailblazing rap artist, actor, humanitarian, community activist and youth advocate, Chill E.B. has the unique gift that a select few artists have; a powerful, galvanizing voice, a strong, poetic, lyrical creation, and a musical mastery of the songwriting field. With this unstoppable combination, he has been jet setting around the world, literally, for the past several years, tearing up stage after stage, in front of hundreds of thousands with his message of truth and hope.
Born in Jacksonville, North Carolina, Chill E.B. spent the majority of his early childhood in Germany. Just following high school, he served in the U.S. Army. At an intimidating 6 foot 5 inches tall, the United States Veteran later received a basketball scholarship to Lon Morris Junior College and East Texas State University, which he accepted.
Prove It!
While attending university, he had a role in a theatrical play called “Judgement Of The Troublemakers.” Screen legend James Earl Jones who was in attendance, and was moved by Chill E.B.’s performance. Mr. Jones encouraged him to continue to pursue the arts further, which he wisely did.
After a few semesters Chill E.B. moved to California. Soon after, he released his first single “Freedom” on an independent label. He received national attention in 1992 with his video “Menace To Society”, which was played on rotation across American television screens (BET, Video JukeBox and California Music Channel).
Menace to Society
Chill E.B. was inspired to write his defiant song “Menace To Society,” when he heard a tragic story about a 13 year old boy who dealt drugs to help feed his mother and sister. In the year 1993, Punk rock legend Jello Biafra of the Dead Kennedy’s heard Chill E.B. at a gig Chill E.B. played at. Jello soon thereafter released Chill E.B.’s 1st EP, entitled “Born Suspicious,” on Alternative Tentacles Records. Chill E.B.’s songs were also placed in motion picture films and T.V. shows including “NBC movie of the week Father & Son,” “Dangerous Relations,” “Nash Bridges,” and “Harts of the West” on CBS, among more.
Chill E.B, also an accomplished voice over talent and screen actor, then recorded the theme song for the Golden State Warriors “Don’t Stop The Noise.” He appeared in the Warner Brothers movie “Mad City,” and on National commercials including those for Sega Genesis, The San Francisco Giants, Partnership For Drug Free America, Nike, Nickelodeon, and the National Basketball Association, (NBA), among more. He most recently was hired to create the hit “Oakland Raiders Theme Song,” titled ‘Raider Nation,” for the 2015-2016 season.
Y’all Busted!
In 1994, Chill E.B. took a break from recording to start a family, returning later, with a fury. In 2008, he created his own record label; Kathartic Music Group, and in 2010, he dropped on the world his controversial single titled “Y’all Busted,” a damning indictment of the psychiatric industries greed, corruption, and abuse.
Define Better
His next searing hit single, “Define Better,” continued his theme of confronting crooks, con artists, and killers in the psychiatric industry head on, challenging the billion dollar industry to explain mental labels and their so-called ‘cures,’ that are created anew each year. The undeniably great song commanded headlines around the world. A-List stars John Travolta and Kelly Preston even showed their support by putting Chill EB’s video on their websites. A flurry of newspapers around the country and world courted controversy, by covering Chill E.B’s daring new work, with slants of sensationalism.
On a massive international world tour since 2010, Chill E.B. has impressively injected his music into the hearts and minds of countless crowds in over 25 countries, and growing. Due to his staunch activism to spread the truth and confront evil head on, he has received a growing list of commendations and humanitarian awards, including;
-Proclamation from the Mayor of Jacksonville, NC proclaiming August 14 as Chill E.B. Day
-California Peace Award, presented by The California Wellness Foundation, and
-CCHR Human Rights Award, for his “outstanding contribution through music to raising awareness about a child’s right to be label and drug free,” among more.
It doesn’t get much better than that when it comes to making the world a better place, through the art of music. And with that, we are very pleased to bring you here our second rare, exclusive interview with rap star Chill E.B.
Listen to that now, here, by clicking on the left arrow in the link here below. Users of Firefox are encouraged to listen via Chrome or i.e. if delay occurs.
Audio PlayerVisit the official website of Chill E.B. at: www.chilleb.com
Psychiatric Abuse
On his official site, Chill E.B. reminds us that, “Planet wide, psychiatrists have hooked over 100 million people on psychotropic drugs that bring in over $80 billion per year.
Psychiatrists receive over $20 billion a year prescribing powerful psychotropic drugs to children for ADHD-just one of over 300 so-called “diseases” and “disorders” which have never been clinically proven to exist.
Insurance companies pay out more than $69 billion dollars every year for psychiatric services, doubling the cost of medical insurance premiums. Meanwhile, psychiatry contains the highest incidence of fraud of all the “healing” professions.
Psychiatrists electroshock 2 million people a year, killing 10,000. For $12 worth of electricity, American psychiatrists rake in $5 billion a year. Nearly twice as many Americans have died in government psychiatric hospitals alone in the past four decades than in ALL U.S. wars since 1776. While raking in over $2 trillion dollars every year, psychiatrists cannot point to a single cure.
The attack on education was essential to psychiatry’s future because in the schools, psychiatrists and psychologists could turn the next generation into lifelong customers of their psychiatric drugs. Today, teachers are required to evaluate their students not on academic performance, but against a checklist of behaviors based on psychiatry’s diagnostic manual. In the past 40 years, money doled out to psychiatrists and psychologists to improve literacy in American schools has soared to more than $28 billion dollars, while through those same 40 years functional literacy rates have plunged.” (source: CCHR)
For more information on the truth about the psychiatric industry, visit www.CCHR.org
U.S. Government Panel Wants to Force Psychiatric Screening on All Americans
According to politician Ron Paul, “The United States Preventive Services Task Force recently recommended mandatory depression screening for all Americans. The task force wants to force health insurance companies to pay for the screening.”
Freeze! You Look Unhappy!
Mr. Paul further states, “If the preventive task force has its way, Americans could lose their Second Amendment, and possibly other, rights simply because they happened to undergo their mandatory depression screening when they were coping with a loved one’s passing or a divorce, or simply having a bad day. As anyone who has been mistakenly placed on the terrorist watch list can attest, it is very difficult to get off a government database even when the government clearly is in error. Thus, anyone mistakenly labeled as depressed will have to spend a great deal of time and money in what may be a futile attempt to get his rights back.”
Forced Drugging
Ron Paul adds, “Mandatory depression screening will endanger people’s health by increasing the use of psychotropic drugs. These drugs often have dangerous side effects. Their use has even been linked to suicide. The fact that almost every mass shooter was on psychotropic drugs is another good reason to oppose any policy that will increase reliance on these medicines.”
An Industry of Opinion
Mr. Paul continues, “The Preventive Services Task Force’s mandatory depression screening mandate is based on the fallacy that diagnosing mental health problems is analogous to diagnosing cancer or diabetes. Even mental health professionals acknowledge that there is a great deal of subjectivity in mental health diagnosis.”
The Politics of Social Control
Ron Paul adds, “Consider that until 1973 homosexuality was considered a mental disorder by the American Psychiatric Association. Today, some mental health professionals think that those who believe in limited government, free-market economics, or traditional values suffer from mental disorders. If mandatory depression screening becomes a reality, it is likely this mental health screening will be expanded to cover screening for other mental illnesses. This could result in anyone with an unpopular political belief or lifestyle choice being labeled as ‘mentally ill.'”
Attempting to Destroy a Free America
Lastly, Ron Paul reminds us, “Even if mandatory health screening could be implementing without increasing costs or threatening liberty it would still be a bad idea. Government health care mandates undermine the basic principles of a free society. If it is legitimate for government to tell us what types of health care we must receive, then it is also legitimate for the government to tell us what to eat, when to exercise, and even how to raise our children. To paraphrase C.S. Lewis, a tyranny imposed for our own good is the worst form of tyranny because it is a tyranny without limits. All who love liberty must therefore oppose mandatory depression screening, or any other health care mandate.”
The above abridged information from Mr. Paul is taken with permission, from the official Ron Paul website, and is copyright, 2016, Ron Paul. All world rights reserved (‘Headlines’ are copyright, 2016, The Hollywood Sentinel. To read the full article, and learn more about Mr. Paul, visit the Official Ron Paul Website at: http://ronpaulinstitute.org/
Visit back issues of The Hollywood Sentinel at www.TheHollywoodSentinel.com
Who Killed Elvis?
Big Pharma and an unethical doctor, that’s who. The Dr. who helped kill Elvis has died. 88 year old Dr. George C. Nichopoulos, Elvis’ doctor when he overdosed in 1977, and years prior, died Wednesday in Memphis. He lost his medical license for over-prescribing addictive drugs for years to numerous patients. Good riddance.
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